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Slax 7.0.7 available, even in Turkish
In order to fix the strange issues with task bar, I've pushed out a new version of Slax, numbered 7.0.7. Furthermore I've been able to identify strange problem which happened to Slax Turkish version - it never worked at all. The reason for that was somehow unclear to me till now.
Each release of Slax (for all languages) is about 50GB. But I do not upload all the 50GB of data to Slax server, instead I upload just two ISOs (32bit and 64bit) with English language and all the other languages as separate modules (it's like 800MB or so in total only). Then I run a script at the server to generate all the ISOs with all the supported translations. And that script was using LANG variable to store currently processed language. I didn't realize that LANG actually is a variable which has some special meaning for some programs, including mkisofs, which was simply not able to generate correct ISO image when LANG=Turkish was set. Anyway, this has now been fixed (LANG renamed to MYLANG in my script) and Turkish people can enjoy Slax on CD too! :)

User comments

New setup of 7 looks nice, and glad to see a new version.
However trying it out in a VirtualBox it's very very slow in the GUI; For me functionality & speed is a lot more important than effects; I don't suppose there's options for the GUI, default settings, or a module that can be used to speed it up considerably?

Yes, diff update or delta update would be very nice, so reducing time to download the whole ISO or zip file whenever new releases are out

thanks for ur work . although it didn`t fixed in 7.07 Chinese like it in 7.06

Good finding let's download the new version. Do you plan to make a diff bundle to the releases?