Slax author's Blog (RSS)
Releasing Slax 11.2.1
Bugfix release of Slax, labeled as version 11.2.1, is now available for download.
More info can be found in Changelog.
Download links are, as usual, at main page

User comments

Hi. I just tested your newest version and it again has issues with resolution change. Issue with not opening .txt still exist too. iso is newest version. Tested on virtualbox 6.1.

thank you for making the 11.2.1 changes. i still boot to syslinux boot prompt. error is "failed to load com32 file /slax/boot/vesamenu c32." i am using the 64bit iso like i did on slax 9 which works on this 2008 Acer that originally came with Windows Vista. probably time to upgrade to an uefi machine. anyway, thank you for taking your time to work on this problem.

Hi Tomas. Thank you for the great update!
One quick question, I am trying to install guest additions for virtualbox but I can't seem to find the header files to install.
Slax currently has the 5.10.92 kernel, but there does not appear to be an appropriate header file in the apt repositories. I have tried a few header files and also installed build-essential via apt, but I am still not able to compile source code successfully.
Are you able to offer any suggested next steps that I can try?
Thanks once again for a great minimalist base.

Tomas, another comment, i tried a v11.2.1 32bit iso and arrived at the same syslinux boot prompt. i typed in vmlinuz which made a kernel panic and ended at "kernel panic-not syncing:VTS unable to mount root fs on unknown block (0,0)." maybe i can look at the root partition adjust it and update initramfs, and update grub? anyway, thank you for listening.

Garry points to something important without header files in the bullseye repo we cannot compile other stuff. Can we?

this is very strange. Are you booting from CD or USB? If USB, you can try to edit things, for example try to delete the EFI folter on USB if that makes any difference
In Slax, there is a script in /usr/bin/fbappselect which is responsible for starting xlunch. It actually does not have any config file, instead if feeds the direct output of xlunch_genquick script to standard input of xlunch. So you may examine /usr/bin/xlunch_genquick as well.

thank you for the suggestions. the extracted /slax folder has the /boot/efi folder within the /slax/boot folder however when i move it to the 32gb sandisk stick formatted mbr ext4 it leaves the main slax/boot and creates a seperate efi/boot folder within /slax and the original EFI folder in slax/boot is empty. i did try by populating the efi files to the main slax/boot/efi folder, no luck same syslinux boot: prompt. i did type "linux" at the syslinux prompt with no results. i did not have the full kernel description to plug in the syslinux boot prompt. i will try to delete the 2 EFI folders from slax/boot and check the results. i do get to run the script and show the usb has been made bootable whenever i run it. @Kane thank you, when i get slax 11 to boot i will take a look at etc\fstab, mtab and /usr/bin/fbappselect (xlunch). than you for your suggestions i love slax and will keep trying to get it to boot.

success! I'm posting from Firefox 91.7esr on the new and very improved Slax 11.2.1. I'm not sure what exactly was going on with the many failed attempts to boot into Slax, however it is beautiful now. Thank you for all your hard work. My father in law came from Prague in 1948. He said they had to wait for the snow so the sound of their footsteps was hidden as their group crossed the border.

Hi Tomas,
did you see Garry's message about compiling guest additions for virtualbox which requires linux headers, and since only linux-headers-amd64 (5.10.84-1) is available in the official repo and not 5.10.92 which corresponds to Slax's kernel, do you have a solution for us please?
Thank you

I don't fully understand why there is no linux-headers for 5.10.92, because that was the current available kernel source in Debian, downloaded by the command "apt source linux". You can try to download full kernel sources with that command, extract, install 'make' and try make headers_install, if that helps

I tried to install network-manager-l2tp but still no vpn option and I've lost internet connection. I also tried to install kvpnc but no luck again...

Ok, L2TP connection works! I had to uninstall connman package and than install gnome network manager with l2tp plugin.

@Tomas M unfortunately it didn't work, I still get "VirtualBox Guest Additions: Linux headers not found for target kernel 5.10.92.".
What I did next was to install linux-headers-amd4, since linux-headers-$(uname -r) wasn't returning anything and it installed "linux-headers-5.10.0-11-amd64" and "linux-headers-5.10.0-11-common", however when apt is installing them it says (it indicates 5.10.92-1) :
Setting up linux-headers-5.10.0-11-common (5.10.92-1)
Setting up linux-kbuild-5.10 (5.10.92-1)
Setting up linux-headers-5.10.0-11-amd4 (5.10.92-1)
Also, inside the /usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.0-11-common/Makefile it says:
So it seems like they are 5.10.92 but for some reason VBox doesn't see them which is really annoying.
Thank you for your help.

Would be nice to have support for creating squash package, enhace slax command
like this
and this is very nice for more security my script

@VÃctor Esteller 2022-03-11 00:1
Hola. El Sr. @Tomas M ha echo un inmenso trabajo reduciendo una instalacion tipa de unos 10 Gb. a 280 Mb. sacando muchos archivos la mayoria nunca llegaran a utilisar, entre las traducciones de diferentes idiomas.
Yo he estado parchando mi SLAX de esta manera, espero que sirba
inicia en modo fresco
Para establecer el español como idioma por defecto, tan solo debemos hacer desde una consola como root:
apt reinstall locales
timedatectl set-timezone America/Caracas
export LANGUAGE=es_ES.UTF-8
export LANG=es_ES.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=es_ES.UTF-8
locale-gen es_VE.UTF-8
dpkg-reconfigure locales
Como quieres el Español de Venezuela he seleccionado la opcion es_VE.UTF-8 UTF-8.
timedatectl es para que el rejoj muestre la hora y formato local....
bajate los siguientes packajes
instale p7zip-full
apt install p7zip-full
esto es para abrir los packages (*.deb) con archiver, para extraer solo el archivo *.mo de la tradcuccion, colocandolos justo en la misma ruta interna pero en el sistema
ya puedes borra los packages descargados.
edita el archivo menu localisado en /root/.fluxbox (es un directorio oculto) a gusto personal
extras posiblesmente utiles:
xsol y xpat2 son juegos de cartas, funcionales en SLAX
xvkbd es un teclado en patalla.
salva los cambios:
savevechanges /root/
copiar el archico generado en */slax/modules/
el numero lo coloco para asegurarce el ornden de carga de los modulos,
las demas instalaciones les doy un numero mayor como 40 en adelante por futuras actuliaciones de DEBIAN.
Desde Valle de la Pascua; Venezuela

How can i install Firefox on Slax 11.2.1 (32-bit)? Or is it possible?
I alredy tried sudo apt install firefox (no success).

Debian calls the package firefox-esr. You just need to do:
apt install firefox-esr

My computer is stuck in 640x480 mode.
xrandr reports only 640x480 available
Doing a lspci | grep VGA I get
VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc [AMD/ATI] Lucienne (revc2)
any suggestions ?

Slax 11.2.1 ISOs were tried to update to Kernel 5.17-rc8 with AUFS patch "5.x-rcN-20220221".
slax-32bit-11.2.1-k5.17-rc8.iso (298 M)
h ttps://
md5sum: f312b619939f14ec36c6dfc0ea2dbad9 slax-32bit-11.2.1-k5.17-rc8.iso
slax-64bit-11.2.1-k5.17-rc8.iso (298 M)
h ttps://
md5sum: 4a050b54a0ca16c655be848288fb5a8e slax-64bit-11.2.1-k5.17-rc8.iso

@Tomas M, just to let you know I was finally able to install Virtualbox Guest Additions.
I did :
apt-get install linux-headers-amd64
apt-get install build-essential
and then I simlinked /usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.*-*-common to /lib/modules/5.10.92/src and /usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.*-*-common-amd64 to /lib/modules/5.10.92/build
and it worked :) I used Virtualbox 6.1.32.
Hope this helps someone else.

How do you
simlinked /usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.*-*-common to /lib/modules/5.10.92/src and /usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.*-*-common-amd64 to /lib/modules/5.10.92/build?
Thank you!

@johnnybgoode you can left-clik drag "/usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.*-*-common" to /lib/modules/5.10.92/ and choose "Link here" and then rename it to "src". And do the same with "/usr/src/linux-headers-5.10.*-*-common-amd64" and rename it to build.
Thanks for the new release! Is there a way to make persistent mode work with Ventoy's persistence plugin? They only list Arch and Ubuntu based distros, so I am not sure if Debian-base distros would be included or if they use a specific persistence method that Ventoy relies on.

Thank you! :)
@Leandro MartÃn Peralta
Slax already supports persistent changes, if you are running it from a writable device, such as USB disk drive. Do you need persistent changes when you are running from CD? Ten simply copy /slax/ folder from CD to a directory on your hard drive where you want to store your persistent changes, eg. copy to C:\ ... (so you will end up with C:\slax\ directory) and persistent changes will be stored automatically in C:\slax\changes\changes.dat file, but you need to eject the CD immediately after the kernel boots (so Slax data will be loaded from disk instead of CD)
If you have a Linux filesystem on your hard disk, such as ext4, etc, then you just do the same, copy /slax/ folder from CD to your root filesystem, and do the same (boot from CD and eject the CD immediately after kernel messages start to appear), and then changes will be stored not in the changes.dat file, but directly as native files in /slax/changes/ directory

I've managed to test my scripts to convert sb to use lzo and it seems to work just fine. Though i'll be working on a script to clean sb modules out for sharing and general use (removing wifi password data, cached stuff that doesn't need to be present, etc)
The only blocking issue i really have is trying to get sound to work. If i could i'd use Slax instead of Mint for everything.

I did it as you say (symlinked directories common and amd64 linux-headers). I can say after that Guest Additions has been installed sucessfuly, but it seems that it doesn't work anyway.
After reboot and changing window size of Slax VM resolution still doesn't resize, bidirectional "copy and paste" between OS and VM doesn't work too.
Is there anything else that I should to do for VirtualBox Guest Additions works well?

@Tomas M, I installed the latest version of linux-headers (apt-get install linux-headers-generic), and symlinks manually as you explained, but the compiler driver doesn't work. An error message saying that the module format is invalid is shown:
$ sudo insmod rtl8188fu.ko
insmod: ERROR: could not insert module rtl8188fu.ko: Invalid module format
It seems that the newer version of the linux-headers is incompatible with the slax kernel, I have tried other older versions but none have worked.

@Thomas, a great distribution I use for years and it is becoming better and better.
On my AMD laptop the only screen resolution offered is 640x480, see KJ above, but I have 1920x1080 available.
My solution is:
1. Make Slax persistent --> mkdir /slax/changes
2. # apt update
# apt upgrade
3. # apt install firmware-amd-graphics
# apt install libgl1-mesa-dri
4. # reboot
Remark: the apt upgrade takes a long time, probably due to a swap issue? but be patient, it succeed.

Will anybody tell me how to change to/install Polish lingo? I've just been trying slax and am amazed how cool it actually is.

This is what I was looking for, especially the PXE fix. Thank you Tomas