Slax author's Blog (RSS)
Slax 7.0.6 is now available for download
I'd like to announce the next update of Slax Live Linux version 7.0.6. The main change is new Linux kernel 3.8.2 and updated KDE to 4.10.1. It was a bit harder than I expected, mostly due to some really odd changes made by KDE developers, which I had to work around to get the same functionality like we are used to.
Raw changelog:
- Upgraded Linux Kernel to version 3.8.2
- Upgraded KDE to version 4.10.1
- Fixed missing notification when module is activated or deactivated
- Upgraded all packages to reflect changes in Slackware-current
- Updated FireFox to 19.0.2
- Show date on taskbar under current time
- The device notifier in KDE is now hidden since it was showing on mad positions.
Slax size has been increased by about 3MB due to new stuff provided by KDE software compilation, I'm going to reduce that somehow in the next release. There are some svg icons and some other files which are not necessary at all.

User comments

Hi Tomas, I like your work very much... Is there a way to make auto-updater for Slax, that could be a really nice feature. Keep up the good work!

How can I fix the taskbar in 7.0.6?
Thanks for your great OS.

I fixed it by manually adjusting the taskbar to the required size and position.
Could you please update/upload the kernel source modules for the latest release please?
I would like to build nvidia drivers for my laptop.

Hm, this taskbar issue is really bad! Did that happen on default Slax start? Or only after you changed screen resolution?
Kernel source is available here:

Thanks for the source link.
Regarding taskbar.
It happened on default start to me as well.
"Thank You" is very small word for your efforts and this great OS.
Do you have any plan to add more languages? like, Urdu. Please

I fully agree with Богдан Петковић. Auto-updater will be a very nice improvement and help. Thanks.

Tomas M, I dind't change screen resolution, the screenshot applies to default Slax 7.0.6.

Thank you for the feedback.
I'm pushing out Slax 7.0.7 which fixes these panel issues.
In the mean time, you may simply open the file
and remove all geometry= sections where 1024 width is specified.

Tomas, could You add option to add entire boot command line from file with specified name from the first partition (i.e. to be completely replaced).
This will make slax easier for customization.
If this file is broken or missing or messed manually this check to be set off from the user and after booting to write default command line to this file.

I'm Downloading right now. I thinking to use SLAX as a base to devel my own operating system focused on auto-updating & upgrading and easy configuration.

Thanks for all your work! Are there any mirrors / torrents available for the downloads?