Slax author's Blog (RSS)
Welcoming New Life
Many of you already know that I’ve spent the last several decades working deeply in technology, building, maintaining, and improving Slax Linux, along with other projects. It has been an amazing journey, full of challenges and rewards. But life can surprise us, even if we plan everything carefully. Today, I want to share with you the biggest surprise and happiness life has given me: on October 14, 2024, at 45 years old, I became a father again, this time to a beautiful baby girl.
Before I get into all the emotions, let me explain for those who don’t know – I already have two wonderful sons, who are 16 and 17 years old. They are almost adults now, starting to think about their own futures, and watching them grow has been one of the greatest joys of my life. But just when I thought I had figured out parenting, here I am, holding a newborn again. Yes, diapers, sleepless nights, and crying are back in my life!
It might sound a little crazy, even to me, to start over again after so many years. My boys are almost ready for college. We already passed the stage of endless diaper changes, tantrums, and waking up every two hours. Just when I was getting used to the idea of peaceful nights and the slower pace of having teenagers, life gave me a new challenge: fatherhood, round two.
But honestly? I wouldn’t want it any other way. There is something special about holding a newborn, thinking about all the possibilities and mystery in such a tiny baby. The sleepless nights, the crying, the endless feeding – it’s all part of this beautiful, crazy cycle of life.
Some people might think that at 45, I’m too old for this, or maybe a little crazy to start again with a baby girl. And maybe they are right. But isn’t that what life is about? Embracing the chaos, living fully, and yes, creating and passing on what we have learned? As much as I love my work and the technology I’ve built, nothing compares to the joy (and sometimes craziness) of raising a child.
At this point in my life, being an "older" father gives me a different perspective. I’m not as stressed as I was in my 20s or 30s. I’ve already gone through the ups and downs of raising teenagers, so I know what’s ahead. I’ve learned patience, and I’ve learned that it’s okay not to know everything. There is a kind of freedom in that understanding. With age comes a type of wisdom, the ability to enjoy the moments more deeply without getting lost in the rush.
In the end, this is what life is all about. It’s about creating something meaningful and giving yourself fully to the experiences that shape us. And right now, even though it might seem crazy, I’m jumping into this new adventure with my newborn daughter. It’s a challenge, yes, but one that’s full of potential, hope, and most of all, love.
So here’s to this new chapter. To sleepless nights and baby giggles. To watching my boys grow into men, and my daughter into her own person. I might be 45, and I might have more gray hair than when I had my boys, but now I have yet another reason to wake up every morning. And I am so thankful for that.
Live long and prosper.

User comments

Congratulations Tomas! Coincidentally, I was born when my dad was 45. A difference, though, was that I'm an only child, so that was my mother and father's first experience with raising a kid. As a kid, I did think that my parents were a bit "old fashioned" compared to my friends' parents who were younger of course, but looking back I am glad they did a good job teaching me the right values.
I do remember one time my dad and I were on vacation and checking into a hotel and the desk clerk saying something to my father about his "grandson". My dad said, icily, "He's my son." So be prepared for that from time to time. :)

Yeah I do worry a bit about looking like a grandpa, but it's a great motivation to take better care of myself! :)

Please advise! How can I change the text when loading in the terminal
"Your login name: root"
"Password: toor"
to my text?
I found the same question in previous blog entries, but there is no answer to it.
Congratulations on your third child! (Father of 2 children. 1.5 and 7 years old)

Tomáši, p?íjmi mé gratulace a zárove? ti p?eji hodn? sil do nové rodi?ovské etapy. Hlavn? a? je dcera zdravá a a? spolu máte krásný vztah.
D?kuji za vše co pro nás "nadšence Slaxu" d?láš!
Tomáš, accept my congratulations and I wish you a lot of strength for the new parenting phase. May your daughter be healthy and may you have a wonderful relationship.
Thank you for everything you do for us "Slax enthusiasts"!

Congratulations on this decision, it may be difficult to start a new chapter, but you can do it! Regarding the slax project, can you tell me one thing? Can I somehow enable logging of the live kit in the form of "live kit init...", "live kit is done..."

Congratulation Tomas, I wish you great power for the next period of life. :-) It will be different - boys vs. girl!
Good health and lot of love to the new one!
Thank you for doing Slax for us,
Father of a Girl(11) and a Boy (9)

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..don't worry about your gray hair. I used to say "one child is enough" and suddenly I have four (two of them are already adult) . The youngest daughter was born in my 48s and she is 8 years old now. She surprises me every day, although I must admit it is not always easy, but with patience and a wonderful wife we can manage it. Have a luck and joy and many beautiful experiences!

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felicitaciones se la felicidad que sientes y multiplicada por tres maravilloso.

Fatiguing sativa gummies has been somewhat the journey. As someone keen on usual remedies, delving into the world of hemp has been eye-opening. From THC tinctures to hemp seeds and protein powder, I've explored a type of goods. Regard for the misunderstanding adjoining hemp, researching and consulting experts have helped navigate this burgeoning field. Inclusive, my sophistication with hemp has been favourable, sacrifice holistic well-being solutions and sustainable choices.

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Congratulations Tomas M, this article can be 2 - 3 months late but the message are the one which matter in this case. Ahh it's a daughter, is she doing fine ?
Just to remind you that your blog and chat group are filled with spam, cleaning them are not necessary but it can provide genuine visitor a better interactions experience with you. Let's just leave that for now and continue with the main 'dish'. Slax Linux promotes itself as 'compact, fast, modern & portable' and I can't disagree with that especially when lots of positive comments have been floating around forums and social media. As someone very new to the distribution, 'curiousity' just bothers me a lot so I gave it a shot. With modern BIOS which doesn't support 'Legacy Mode', I've essentially 'barred' myself from experimenting the beauty of your creation.
From one of the comment I read on an online forum, I learned that you developed Slax Linux with a certain philosophy (minimalism, 'If it can be done in one way, no extra tools will be embedded') in mind which I admired. By developing Slax Linux in accordance to the said philosophy, it allows lower-end computational devices to run Linux while preserving precious resources on earth. Beside that, you've also 'baked' in features like 'copy2ram', 'module loading', 'persistent changes' and 'simple installation'. If Slax Linux isn't the greatest Linux ever created on earth, I don't know which distribution is.
At the time of writing, I'm making do with MiniOS Flux variant with the version 3.3.4 fork by @crims0n. MiniOS developers doesn't seems to adopt the same mindset as you as each release result in an increase in size and unnecessary features like 'customized grub', 'update reminder', etc. Slax Linux was last updated a year ago, maybe we can have NEXT version as a new year gift for 2025 ?

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And good luck for this newly born adventure.